Agriculture and Irrigation

Capacity Development Project for Enhancement of Rice Production in Irrigation Schemes (CaDPERP) (Kenya)

Client: JICA

Period: 2021

The project’s goal was to build on a previous Rice-based Market-oriented Agriculture Promotion Project (RiceMAPP) formulated by JICA as a way of providing support to the national government for improving rice production in Mwea. CaDPERP’s purpose was to improve rice production techniques in the target irrigation schemes through enhanced coordination capacity of the Rice Promotion Programme (RIPP) for inter-scheme dissemination of technologies developed in Mwea during RiceMAPP.

Scope of Work:
Conducting baseline and endline surveys, monitoring and assessment activities, provision of technical experts to enhance the skills of smallholder farmers in improved production techniques within Mwea, Ahero, and West Kano Irrigation schemes. Deployment of experts to conduct customization trials specifically within the Ahero Irrigation Scheme.

Other Projects on Agriculture & Rural Development Done by KAF

  • Client: Government of Kenya and JICA

    Period: 2020-2022

    The "Project for Smallholder Empowerment and Agribusiness Promotion (SHEP Biz)" has been in operation since December 2020. The objective was to enhance the capacity of rural agribusiness support systems, thereby contributing to the overall improvement of rural livelihoods. The central focus of the project was to instigate a shift in the mindset of farmers. This transformation was facilitated by empowering farmers with the skills needed for effective market research, enabling them to make informed decisions when selecting crops.

    Scope of Work:
    Provision of capacity building to small holder farmers

  • Client: JICA

    Period: 2021

    The project was a pre-stage feasibility study of maintenance business of fisheries processing factory in Mombasa and cold chain system.

    Scope of Work:
    Studied the development issues of the blue economy industry in Kenya, verified PPP-related policies and past cases and confirmed important conditions for promoting the project, such as obtaining business rights and various licenses. Conducted logistical evaluation of fishing ports, transport of fish and cold handling and storage.

  • Client:Government of Kenya/JICA ODA Loan

    Period: 2021

    The objective of the Mwea Irrigation Development Project is to increase rice production in the Mwea Irrigation Scheme through construction of Thiba dam and construction of irrigation and drainage facilities thereby contributing to the expansion of the irrigation area.

    Scope of Work:
    Tender assistance for document review and finalization, construction supervision covering adequacy assessment, method of work approvals, drawing reviews, tests supervision, construction inspection, design modification, and Taking-Over Certificate issuance and assistance in monitoring Occupational Safety and Health (OSH).

  • Client:JICA

    Period: 2021-2022

    The overall goal of the project was to enhance resilience of pastoralists communities against drought in Turkana County and other ASAL regions.

    Scope of Work:
    Development of sustainable natural resources management for improvement of resilience against drought, review of existing sample Community Action Plans (CAPs) for their validity, capacity building of government officers on drought management in Turkana County, and knowledge management, monitoring, and follow-up including setting up GIS database.

  • Client:Eswatini Water and Agricultural Development Enterprise Ltd (ESWADE)

    Period: 2019 to Date

    The Lower Usuthu Smallholder Irrigation Project (LUSIP) Area is in the southeastern region of Eswatini, specifically in the Lubombo Region. The primary goal of the LUSIP project was to mitigate poverty in the project area by transitioning traditional subsistence farmers into commercial farmers cultivating irrigated lands for cash crops. Building on the achievements of "LUSIP I," which involved diverting a portion of the Usuthu River into a 155 million m³ capacity irrigation scheme, LUSIP II incorporates essential components such as a 6 km water pipeline, 28 km canal, 5 reservoirs, and a secondary distribution system.

    Scope of Work:
    Project Management, Review of the Contractor’s claims, preparation of correspondence and review of records/reports to ensure the effective administration of all Contractual matters.