Water Supply and Sanitation

Consultancy Services for Water Resources Advisor (Kenya).

Client: JICA

Period: 2017 - 2019

The project aimed to strengthen the Water Resources Authority's (WRA) capacity in hydrological data management by enhancing the observation network, improving data capacities, and utilizing results to address water issues. It built on a previous initiative targeting the Tana Catchment Area, focusing on discharge measurement and gauge installation. The goal was to update the monitoring network, build capacity, and analyse data to implement the Kenya National Water Master Plan (NWMP) 2030 and comply with the Water Act 2016.

Scope of Work:
Updating the monitoring network, building capacity in hydrological monitoring, data arrangement, storage and analysis, and utilization of hydrological and meteorological data.

Other Projects on Water Supply & Sanitation Done by KAF

  • Client: JICA

    Period: 2016 - 2021

    The project aimed to enhance the capabilities of Water Service Providers (WSPs) in reducing Non-Revenue Water (NRW). It focused on formulating and implementing effective NRW plans while also creating a supportive environment by strengthening organizations assisting WSPs in NRW reduction. Building upon a previous initiative (2010 to 2014), which included pilot WSPs, NRW management standards by WASREB, and a training course at the Kenya Water Institute, the project aimed to further advance NRW reduction efforts in the region.

    Scope of Work:
    Baseline Studies, Strengthening the Capacity of NRW Unit, Revision of NRW Management Standards, NRW Practical Training, Realistic NRW reduction plans corresponding to the current situation of WSPs and implementation of the plans