Power Generation and Transmission

Data Collection Survey for Geothermal Development (geophysical exploration 2) (Djibouti)

Client: JICA

Period: 2015-2018

Hanle-Garabbayis is one of priority sites for geothermal development in Djibouti. The project’s objective was to assess the viability of undertaking test well drilling and extending JICA's assistance through a multifaceted approach.

Scope of Work:
Conducting geophysical field surveys, analysing collected data for the construction of a geothermal conceptual model, estimating the costs associated with test drilling works, scrutinizing contract types for these activities, and addressing environmental and social considerations.

Other Projects on Climate Change and Disaster Mitigation Done by KAF

  • Client: JICA

    Period: 2020 to Date

    The Government of Kenya secured a loan from the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) to fund the Dongo Kundu Special Economic Zone (SEZ) Development Project. The project includes three Sub-projects: Port, Road, and Electricity. The project pertained to the electricity sub project.

    Scope of Work:
    Review of the basic design of the facilities including an investigation into existing substation specifications, technical trends, and related elements. Provision of an outline design for the facilities, complete with specifications, drawings, and a cost estimate for the substation works. Tender assistance, aiding in the process of soliciting proposals. Supervision of the construction work carried out by the contractor, monitoring the transmission line work schedule and progress, checking the delivered materials. Provision of assistance to KETRACO in inventory management at the project site or warehouse and conducting inspections at the project site /factories to ensure quality and compliance with specifications.

  • Client: Kyuden International Corporation/JICA

    Period: 2021-2023

    The project aims to develop hybrid power system including improving operation and maintenance of thermal power generation and installation of renewable energy.

    Scope of Work:
    Collecting information and data relevant to energy sector and electric power field.

  • Client: Government of Kenya

    Period: 2021-2024

    The Kenyan government is prioritising the enhancement of electrification rates in rural areas and electricity services in urban regions, with the goal of providing electricity to all households. The project focuses on four counties: Nakuru, Nyandarua, Kilifi, and Kwale

    Scope of Work:
    Survey of the existing power distribution system in Kenya, planning power distribution system, preparation of related drawings, equipment procurement planning, cost estimation, and survey for environmental and social considerations.