Urban and Regional Development

Survey on CBD Development Strategy for Promoting Transit Oriented Development in Line with Conceptualizing Detailed Land Use Plan, (Kenya).

Client: JICA

Period: 2018 - 2019

The objectives of the survey were: To update CBD development vision in line with TOD concept; to conduct field survey to grasp Non-Motorized Transport (NMT) conditions; to develop a concept for detailed land use plan for the CBD and to propose a prioritized program list to implement TOD.

Scope of Work:
Comprehensive Survey, data collection, entry, and analysis with specific emphasis on gender considerations, capacity development of counterpart organizations, organized public participation forum with stakeholders to develop the CBD development vision. Subsequently, developed the result of a walkway condition assessment and proposed NMT Plan for the CBD.

Other Projects on Urban & Regional Development Done by KAF

  • Client: JICA

    Period: 2020 - 2022

    The objective of the project was to promote the development and investment of Dongo Kundu (DK) Special Economic Zone (SEZ), strengthen the management and structure of the Special Economic Zone Authority (SEZA), and enhance the planning capacity of the Industrial Park Zone situated in the southern region of DK SEZ in the target areas of Mombasa and Kwale counties.

    Scope of Work:
    Development Promotion, coordination with SEZA and other stakeholders, Project Implementation Promotion, Business Plan Development and Financial Analysis.

  • Client: JICA

    Period: 2020 - 2021

    The project focused on investigating the potential of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) and addressing current traffic issues through traffic improvement measures. It also devised a strategy to promote Non-Motorized Transport (NMT) in Mombasa Central Business District (CBD), which includes enhancing both NMT and Passenger Service Vehicles (PSVs).

    Scope of Work:
    Comprehensive survey, involving data collection, entry, and analysis, leading to the formulation of proposed recommendations to address the identified transportation challenges.

  • Client: JICA

    Period: 2016 - 2018

    Dar es Salaam, Tanzania's key city and economic hub, faces transportation challenges despite ongoing projects aligned with the 2030 Urban Transport Master Plan. Current traffic exceeds projections due to rapid population growth, prompting Tanzania and Japan to update the plan for 2040. The project aims to conduct pre-feasibility studies, enhance counterpart staff capacity, and improve traffic conditions to address the city's evolving needs.

    Scope of Work:
    Document analysis, population projection, scenario setting and the alternatives, urban structure and land use planning, Urban Transport Master Plan formulation/revision, pre-feasibility study for railway development (Transit-Oriented Development), and technical skills transfer.

  • Client: JICA

    Period: 2017 - 2019

    The project's goal is to boost industrial growth and job creation by analyzing and enhancing investment policies and the investment environment. It aims to attract foreign investment in alignment with companies' intentions, upgrade infrastructure and services in industrial park development and operation, and enhance the capacity of government agencies involved.

    Scope of Work:
    Feasibility Study of industrial park development and cash flow analysis of industrial park development.

  • Client: JICA

    Period: 2021 - 2024

    The aim was to enhance the Ministry of Urban and Infrastructure's (MoUI) capacity to conduct training for secondary city municipal governments, concentrating on urban planning, development, and management within the specified area covering Addis Ababa and secondary cities.

    Scope of Work:
    Formulation of a mid-term plan for training the municipal governments of secondary cities in urban planning, urban development, and management and development of a training mechanism for these entities.

  • Client: JICA

    Period: 2022 - 2025

    Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, faces urban transport challenges due to rapid population growth. Plans for six Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) lines are in progress, but poor coordination between the transportation network, urban development, and land use hinders progress. To address this, the Tanzanian government seeks Japan's cooperation in Transit Oriented Development (TOD) along the BRT. This project aims to improve mobility, enhance coordination among agencies, and boost the capabilities of officials responsible for urban development and public transportation, ultimately enhancing accessibility and efficiency of public transport in the city.

    Furnishing GIS and Data Analysis experts to the project.

  • Client: JICA

    Period: 2020 - 2021

    The objective of the survey was to conduct a feasibility study for three essential infrastructure components aimed at facilitating the early implementation of the Dongo Kundu Special Economic Zone (SEZ). This included the assessment of the viability of port facility, power supply and water supply components for the successful establishment of the Dongo Kundu SEZ.

    Scope of Work:
    Feasibility study including the study of alternatives, project cost, implementation schedule, implementation method, organizational structure for project implementation, organizational structure for operation and maintenance, and environment and social considerations.

  • Client: JICA

    Period: 2020 - 2022

    The purpose of this survey is to comprehend the background, objectives, and contents of the Dongo Kundu Special Economic Zone (SEZ) development project. It also aims to evaluate the positioning of the grant aid project within the overall context of the Dongo Kundu SEZ development, assessing its impact and technical-economic validity.

    Scope of Work:
    Designing the outline of the project contents, determination of the scale, and cost estimation of the grant aid project.

  • Client: JICA

    Period: 2020 - 2022

    The Government of Kenya secured a loan from the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) to fund the Dongo Kundu Special Economic Zone (SEZ) Development Project. Phase 1 of the project aims to enhance essential infrastructure for the Dongo Kundu SEZ, focusing on port, power supply, water supply, drainage, and roads as outlined in the Dongo Kundu SEZ Master Plan. The project includes three Sub-projects: Port, Road, and Electricity

    Scope of Work:
    Pertained to the Port Sub-project and aimed to ensure the efficient and proper preparation and implementation of the Project.

  • Client: Embassy of Japan in Kenya

    Period: 2024

    To facilitate Japanese companies' participation in Kenya's PPP projects, it is crucial to assess the existing legal, policy, and regulatory frameworks, and to understand the PPP project selection process, including the roles of various stakeholders. By analyzing past and planned PPP projects, Japanese companies can better gauge entry risks and learn from the successes and failures of previous initiatives.

    Scope of Work:
    Review of the PPP Legal Framework, Data collection and analysis, Recommendation for viable PPP ventures for Japanese Investors