The Capacity Development Project for Enhancement of Rice Production in Irrigation Schemes in Kenya (CaDPERP) hosted an outcome sharing workshop at the Mercure Hotel in Nairobi. Attendees included three KAF staff members deployed to the Mwea and Ahero projects, along with stakeholders from various organizations such as the JICA Kenya office, the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development, the Ministry of Water, Rice Promotion Program (RiPP), the National Irrigation Authority (NIA), the Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO), Kisumu County, and others. Prior to the workshop, the final Joint Coordinating Committee (JCC) meeting was chaired by Principal Secretary for Agriculture Dr. Paul Ronoh, who highlighted the project's achievements in enhancing rice self-sufficiency. During the JCC session, Mr. Stanley Odera, a KAF staff member, delivered a presentation on the achievements of the extension and rice cultivation activities in Mwea, Ahero and West Kano irrigation schemes.
CaDPERP Project Staff