Japan-Kenya Urban Development and Transport Symposium

Jan 24, 2023 | NAIROBI, KENYA

The Japan Embassy in Kenya organized the Japan-Kenya Urban Development and Transportation Symposium to brainstorm about innovative solutions that address traffic issues in the country. Commemorating the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations, the event featured around 600 participants from diverse local and international organizations, both physically and virtually. Ambassador Ken Okaniwa and key figures, including Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi and JICA Kenya Chief Representative Mr. Hajime Iwama, delivered opening speeches.

Presentations, in English with Japanese interpretation for online attendees, were given by experts from JICA, the World Bank, Tokyu Rail Side Strategy Group, Hanshin Expressway Company Limited, and others. The focus was on innovative solutions to traffic challenges, with our technical director, Mr. Akifumi Watanabe and Dr. Romanus Opiyo, Urban Planner and Lecturer at the University of Nairobi and Consultant for KAF, highlighting potential transportation solutions and the impact of JICA projects in Nairobi and Mombasa. A panel discussion followed, addressing practical solutions to traffic congestion and ongoing efforts. The symposium concluded by examining the possibility of future collaborations between Japan and Kenya in the transportation sector, emphasizing the need for further follow-up to realize the presented goals.

Mr. Akifumi Watanabe